How to Search for a Quote

How to Search for a Quote

Note: Your PartnerZone user account will need the "View Orders/Licenses/Quotes" user permission in order to do this. 
  1. Click on Orders & Licenses
  2. Click on Quotes
    1. The Quotes Grid has an Advanced Search feature that allows the use of several filters. 
    2. These various filter options can be revealed by clicking inside the grid Search box. Click on any filter to select it. The system is also designed to automatically identify certain types of data when you paste them into the search box which helps to save time. 
    3. Each Quote shown in the Grid can be expanded to show the licenses that are contained by the Quote. Click on the Grid Item to toggle the expanded view. 
    4. Processed Quotes have a link to the order available. Click on View Order (button on the right) to enter detailed order view. 
  3. Search by Quote Number
    1. Enter a Quote Number into the Search Box. The system will automatically suggest Quote # as a filter. Press enter to confirm and initiate the search. 
  4. Search by Customer Name
    1. Enter a Customer Name into the Search box. The system will automatically suggest Name as a filter. Press enter to confirm and initiate the search. 
  5. Search by Customer ID
    1. Enter a Customer ID into the Search box. The system will automatically suggest Customer ID as a filter. Press enter to confirm and initiate the search. 

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